

They invite you to their home, you experience a weird visit to the place, they accept you and convey – always without words – the story of their trip, their memories, their hopes and desires, their nostalgia… Perhaps their story is a universal one, perhaps yours is too…

Slowly but surely you start feeling comfortable and let yourself sink into their peculiar universe, their codes and habits. Creating an interactive relationship, these new neighbors stir up a sense of humanity, surprise and simplicity, brought about by another way of living.

A unique experience.

Kamchàtka also creates Site Specific Projects and Workshops

Facts & Figures

  • indoor
  • site-specific performance
  • language no problem
  • audience participation
  • suitable for all ages
  • between 60 and 120 minutes minutes
  • ± 240 people
  • Barcelona (ES)
  • Website
Site Specific Projects and Workshops

Kamchàtka is an artist collective of diverse nationalities and disciplines who’s members first met in Barcelona in 2006. Driven by the same interests and concerns and under the artistic direction of Adrian Schvarzstein, they started training intensely in group improvisation on the streets of Barcelona and researched the subject of immigration. Barcelona… an ideal city for confronting a society laden with contradictions and immersed in profound problems of integration.

Since 2007, they have created their own poetic language around a trilogy on human migration - Kamchàtka (2007), Habitaculum (2010) and Fugit (2014) and have been performing in more than 30 different countries in Europe, Asia and the Americas.
Their latest creation Alter (2021) is a site specific performance which is intimately linked to the landscape and to interaction with the audience.
The company also offers the Migrar workshop, a unique human experience around the Kamchàtka performance, for the inhabitants of your city, as well as an indoor production with a Symphony Orchestra of your choice - Music for wild beasts - an approach to classical music for all audiences.

Concept, joint creation
and performers: 
  Cristina Aguirre, Maïka Eggericx,
Sergi Estebanell, Claudio Levati,
Andrea Lorenzetti, Judit Ortiz, Lluís Petit, Josep Roca, Edu Rodilla, Santi Rovira,
Gary Shochat, Prisca Villa.
Performers:   Amaya Mínguez, Jordi Solé
Artistic direction:   Kamchàtka / Adrian Schvarzstein
A production of CARRER 88, S.L.
accompanied by Melando

With the support of
ICEC Institut Català de les Empresas Culturals.

Concello de Ferrol, Ajuntament de Lleida and Fira Tàrrega.

Supported on tour by
Institut Ramon Llull & INAEM